Notification of line-item / order discounts during clone process of existing estimate/order (6231)
Set line-item quantity equal to word/letter count of line item text (6399)
Default save selection for cloned estimate/order is the same as cloned transaction type (6457)
User option to modify display settings for toolbars “images, text, both” (6505)
Option to delete entire price sheet (6585)
Ability to modify default print option for system report templates “Quick Print, Preview, Email” (6517)
Explorer: “Locate by __ “ remains highlighted in navigation window (6544)
Email Setup: Ability to specify incoming mail server settings to resolve strict ISP email policies when utilizing 3rd party applications to submit email. (6481)
Email Setup: Ability to send test emails to confirm proper email settings have been configured. (6481)
Reporting Setup: Added option to insert line separator between report groups and templates.
Added Cell Phone number to Company tab when viewing an Order or Estimate. (6666)
User Option: Checkbox to enable the Disposition to be reset to a blank entry upon during clone process. (6924)
Order Entry: Converting an estimate, added input window to supply PO Number when required for a specific company.
Store Information Setup: Increased length of characters allowed in the Sales Tax-ID field. (6860)
Notification of Key Expiration appears during launch of Cyrious SMS and Cyrious SSLIP. (6930)
Credit Card Information Encryption. (6914)
Added field for Credit Card Verification Code
Added masking of all credit card information displayed onscreen. Information becomes unmasked when selected for viewing purposes.
All network transmission of credit card information is encrypted within Cyrious before being transmittedfrom the program (i.e. across a network).
All viewing of masked credit card information appended to log file.
Password setting available per employee in order to access masked financial data.
Report Template: Revised format for AR Summary Report. Added additional columns and modified print format to landscape.
Report Template: Revised format of Customer Statement to re-work the section for Current, 0-30,31-60,61-90, Over 90 balances.
Internal Database Backup mechanism added to software to zip the DATA folder through the Quick Reports group. (6156)
Revised Database Rebuild Utility to no longer require a technical support password for entry into the utility.
The utility will perform a database backup before the rebuild of the database tables. (7938)
User Option: Ability to set user option to enable/disable employee required when changing order status. (7016)
User Option: Additional map/direction websites added, such as “Google, Mappoint, Yahoo, Mapquest”.
Contact: Ability to insert multiple email addresses within email address field on contact using , or ; separator. (26925)
Report Template: AR Aging Detail Report. The template provides more detailed information about any outstanding balances on orders in ARs and provides comment lines for logging notes.