Program Fixes:
- Report Checker displays access Violation when loading
- Errors when printing reports after altering default report menu structure
- Removed dialog box that appears during status change on order to Picked-Up
- Access violation when posting payment during new order creation process
- Refresh modifier changes after edit apparent in v2000 and v8 releases
- Editing/saving product changes returns you to default tab instead of the previously selected tab
- Email Attachments (Reporting Setup: adding default attachments)
- Access Violation after executing the database refresh utility
- Report template not displayed on menu once enabling “show on menu” if previous setting for systemreport “show on menu” was disabled
- Email Invoice/Estimate: Order description does not appear in subject when printing from explorer
- Inactive customer record failed to alert user of “inactive” customer status upon order creation
- Mouse cursor defaulting to have focus on “text” field of line items when in edit mode
- Emailing Invoice Report: (Syntax error in address)
New Features:
- Ability to View/Edit Estimate Greetings during Estimate entry
- Credit limit exceeded notice during status change on order to Picked-Up
- Ability to clone price sheets
- Additional explorer color options: Orders in WIP (Due Date/Proof Date)
- Ability to specify outgoing mail server port (AOL Users)
- Ability to search for Tax ID Expiration Date in marketing module.
- User Option: Notification of credit account status during order creation
- Notification of accounting treatment when issuing/adjusting customer credit.
- Reporting Setup: Ability to select previous close out (daily, monthly, yearly, royalty, export)
Program Fixes:
- Customer email address not populating To: field from payment entry window
- Tax Exempt # does not refresh with current tax exempt # from customer record when cloning orders
- Individual reports from Quick Reports section display report parameters for entire group
- System) Quick Report Group still appears after disabling “show on menu” option
- Incorrect Invoice printing from payment entry window
New Features:
- Tax expiration date for Tax Exempt # on customer account added (with notification on order creation)
- Full-Screen view for Print/Preview
- WIP Summary by JobBox report template
- WIP Summary by ProofDate report template
- Additional options to require first name of contact and address during company creation
Program Fixes:
- Invoice templates improperly folding for #10 envelope
- Entry of Discount using Enter/Tab sequence nulls discount value
- Voided Status on Invoice templates not appearing
- Occurrence of speed notes displaying empty values
- Inability to post overpayment to a prospect
- Change Status dialog box within Explorer improperly sized
- Reassignment of orders to Prospect fails to modify customer standing to Client
- Key Violation when applying credit on new or cloned orders
- System passwords fail to secure the reports menus
- Contact email address within Explorer is empty
- Invalid printer specified when using HP LaserJet 1012
- and Paradox.lck errors while utilizing Import/Export utilities
- Invoice/Estimate templates missing * identifier denoting overridden line item price
- Increase Pricing: Allows selection of specific category without checkbox enabled
- Access Violation: Closing multiple reports preview windows at once
- Blank “Sides” field upon editing order, when min and max sides is 1 in product setup
- Spelling of “Authentication” located under Email Options
- Added explanation for Grace Period on Payment Terms to Customer Statement report
- Modified “Sales by Zip Code” template to sort by 1st 3 digits (Canadian Datasets)
- Added “Reassign Customer Records” to Company drop-down menu
- Order No truncated within multi-order payment window
- Product Importer failed to rename “Product Code” during import when specified
- QuickBooks export failed to save for English(Australian) users
- Mass Email from Marketing Module, invalid separator
- Path to Marketing Word Reports
- “Sum is between” results in 0.000 Values
- Sequencing of customer query returns “Sum of Pre-tax Sales” in billion dollar amounts
- Inability to search for blank criteria
- View SQL Page “Show Advanced Screens” (enabled by right-click on Report Criteria in Step 3)
New Features:
- Option to specify Status on Batch Invoices by Picked-Up Date
- Flag Option added for Products
- Employee selection required for changing Order Status
- Ability to modify column widths and positions within Explorer
- Quick Reports option to load accounting data export
- Quick Reports option to Access finance charges
- Option to void overpayments
- System Report identifier added to select report templates
- Work Order (Dimensions) Template added on select reporting datasets.
- Added “Working..” marquee during wait time
- User Option: Require email in Company Entry
- User Option: Automatically Calculate Due Date on Orders
- User Option: Additional Explorer Color Settings for Orders in WIP and Built
- Report Option: Added Invoice Tax-ID to report templates
- Report Option: Added Date Range to Estimate by Salesperson template
- Report Option: Added Invoice - Digital template to Standard Report set
- Report Option: Added Estimate - Digital template to Standard Report set
- Setup Option: Modification of Translation Tables