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A listing of all sales (i.e., orders Picked-Up), broken down by sales person. This report, or the commission report, is normally run as a basis for commission or measuring sales effectiveness.

Date: The date of the transaction.

Company: The name o fthe customer for this order.

Order: The Order Number.

Description: The overall order description for this order.

Status: The CURRENT status of the order. (Note: This may not have been the status of the order at the end of the report period.)

Production Location 1: The sales for this order during the report period that are in the first production location. This will be labeled with the name of the production location (e.g., In-Store). This include base plus modifiers plus installation less the line item discount.

Production Location 2: The sales for this order during the report period that are in the second production location. This will be labeled with the name of the production location (e.g., Brokered). This include base plus modifiers plus installation less the line item discount.

Production Location 3: The sales for this order during the report period that are in the third production location. This will be labeled with the name of the production location (e.g., Subbed). This include base plus modifiers plus installation less the line item discount.

Discount: The overall order discount for this order during the report period. (Note: This does not include line item discounts, which are subtracted from their associated production location sales above.)

Current Subtotal: The CURRENT sales total for this order. (Note: This may not be the same as sales during the report period due to edits and adjustments.)

Subtotal for Period: The sales for this order during the report period.

Balance: The current balance owed on this order.