Beginning January 1, 2017, the credit card module will no longer be able to process credit cards in SMS. You will still be able to save and view credit card information in SMS, but the processing will no longer function.
Installation And Setup
New Installation
SMS 8.9 pci and later requires the Cyrious Credit Card Service (C3S) program to run in order to store sensitive credit card information in the database using the PCI-DSS standards. CS3 requires that Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework be installed on the machine it will run on. The C3S Host installer will automaticallly download and install the .NET framework if it detects that it does not exist.
The setup program installs to [ProgramFilesFolder]Cyrious\SSLIP\Utilities\C3S. The C3S Host application must be installed in the \Utilities\C3S\ subfolder of the folder where the SSLIP.exe is, in order for the SSLIP to automatically run and close it.
Automatic Installation
The SSLIP will check for the C3S Host on startup and if it does not detect that it is installed, the SSLIP will automatically run the MSI installation file.
Detecting the C3S Host
The SSLIP will check for the C3SHost.exe file in the \Utilities\C3S\ sub folder ( or the file name specified in C3SHostFileName option in SSLIP options). If the file does not exists, it will run the MSI installation file.
Automatic MSI Installation
If the C3S Host application is not installed, the SSLIP will run the MSI installation program if it is located in of these folders:
- Components subfolder
- Same folder as the SSLIP
If the SSLIP cannot find the MSI file in the Components subfolder of the SSLIP, it will look in its own directory next. Once the installation has started, the SSLIP will wait up to 20 seconds before continuing, checking every 3 seconds.
Installed / Required Files
- Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework
- C3SBR.dll
- C3SCommon.dll
- C3SCommon.tlb
- C3SDA.dll
- CyriousDESDef.dll
- C3SHost.exe
- C3SHost.exe.config
Configuration File
The C3SHost application requires its configuration file to be setup to connect to the database in order to run properly. There are many settings the C3SHost.exe.config file has preset in order for the application to run as a service. Only two of these settings may be customized for the customer's machine.
Setting Up The Database Connection String
In the configuration file, in the ConnectionStrings element, the C3SConnectionString node contains the default connection string to the Microsoft Access database that stores the credit card information. This is the SMSStoreData.mdb file.
- When the SSLIP first runs the C3S Host, it will automatically update the connection string to look at the first active database it finds in Database Administration, if the UpdateC3SHostConfig option in SSLIP options is not turned off. View the Default Settings section below for more information on this option.
Setting Up The Service End Point
An EndPoint indicates a specific location for accessing a Web Service using a specific protocol and data format. The default endpoint for C3S is http://localhost:8731/Cyrious/Utilities/C3S/Public but can be changed by setting modifying the baseaddress element located under services. Configure any firewalls running to allow connections to this address along with the port offset used.
Default Settings
The SSLIP will automatically create connection strings for all active databases in the system if the UpdateC3SHostConfig option is turned on