Add New Company

  1. From the Home screen in SMS Click on the Company tab up top, or press Ctrl+U on the keyboard.
  2. Enter the all of the Company information in all required fields on the Company Tab. Make sure to add or remove the check box for active customer depending on the customer, you will also need to check the Check if Tax Exempt checkbox if they are exempt. Note : All Required fields are in BLUE .
  3. Click on the Contacts Tab after you are finish on the Company Tab and Enter the Required information in fields of this area, If this is the Collections contact and the Primary contact make sure to check the checkboxes as well as the shipping address for this contact, only if Needed for this person.
  4. Click on the Financial Tab and enter any default information for the customer in the Required fields as well.
  5. Next Click on the Marketing Tab and select if any applicable Custom Fields, then select any of the Marketing Flags by placing a checkbox next to the ones you would like to select.
  6. Finally Click Save, which is located on the right hand side to save the New Company in the DataBase.
  • Reported : 7/2009
  • Version(s): SMS 8.5, SMS 8.6, SMS 8.9 Beta
  • Fixed in : 7/2009